Should I practice boudoir posing before my photo shoot?

Questions I get as a professional boudoir photographer: Should I practice posing before my shoot?

Well, all boudoir photographers are different so really this just depends on which photographer you choose to work with. Some will tell you to look through youtube and Tikok and all the above and practice the boudoir poses you want to try, while others will say “nah I got you.”

Myself.. I pose you from head to toe. I do not tell my clients to practice their boudoir posing, espeicallly in front of the mirror, and there are a few reasons for that.

  1. You aren’t seeing the angles I see, so if you practice in the mirror chances are the posing is wrong and you’ll start to panic. This is NOT what we want haha!

  2. You are going to feel really silly, and therefore start doubting yourself and your ability to even go through with the photo shoot. We can be so hard on ourselves.

  3. I want you to get hyped up mentally, and not think about the posing. Like I said I pose you head to toe, so chances are the boudoir poses you think I will put you in will not even be one of them! Of course you can let me know if you want a certain pose, we will do it together!

  4. Where the hell do you even start? Already sounds stressful! I am all about anti stress haha.. leave the stressing to me and you just get excited!

  5. At the end of the day, all bodies are different. If you are searching a certain pose, especially if you dont have the same body type of flexibility that is going to give you false hope. The only thing I want you to worry about is making sure you love your outfits!

SO like I said, as for me, I got you! Don’t stress. Of course have some fun and practice if you want but please dont let it stress you out! That’s why you’re coming to a professional I have posed sooooo many different bodies, ages, etc with boudoir!! We will make you look amazing!!

This is the experience of a lifetime so dont stress over it, embrace the nerves!!

-Talk soon! Kelsey